Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Coffee & Eggs ~ {post 2 of 2}

The Eggs:  The prologue to the story:   I had spent several years trying to find eggs similar to those we ate when  I was a kid.  In our town there was an elderly Italian woman who sold eggs from home, (it was an egg “speakeasy”, welcoming only Family and Friends, who were in the “know”).  The eggs (along with a bit of nesting material), came home and when prepared, were absolutely  heaven sent. Over the years,  I’ve tried to find eggs of similar quality, without success.    
After eventually making my way through ALL the egg options at A & P, Wegman’s,  etc,  I made a Grand Discovery.   One a Fall day a few years ago, I was driving with my daughter in the car, in the area of the Allaire State Park . While on our post-hike Fall Leaf Tour, we discovered  the Green Family and their Eggdom (eggs + Kingdom = Eggdom).  We pulled into the unassuming frontage (which looked way more like a sales lot for landscaper trailers, than an Eggdom),  and accidentally stumbled upon  an egg history that began in 1932, and is at present, three generations deep.
The Green Family does eggs every bit as mentioned above, and thankfully in a much more professional (and cleanly) manner.   The eggs when prepared to your specs, are aromatic with all the correct eggy-taste attributes well pronounced, and are rich-creamy of yolk (please, fear not the yolk and all it's tastey magical wonder).  Too, technically speaking, a noted divide and rise of the  thick albumin  sitting atop the thin albumin, which makes up the white of the egg, and denotes ultra-freshness.  These gems are very different from those bought at the supermarket.   They are what an egg was always intended to be.  

When picking up your eggs, it is not uncommon to be among folks from all over our area, and much further.  Lots of loyal customers have been purchasing eggs  from the Green Family for decades.  It’s not rare to  hear Grandparents explain to Grandkids that they were brought here to buy eggs, when they were kids .  During my last egg pick up, a woman was there doing the same for her kids, who were going to school in Baltimore.  She was bringing them on her visit because the kids missed the eggs, and put in a request.  A gentleman was picking up a few dozen and explained that he had been coming for the last 40 years.  The Green Family has a loyal following, indeed.
The kibitzing:  If you do happen to stop by and Allen is manning the cash register; you may consider hitting him up for some Atlantic City/gambling scoop/advice… he’s a solid source of info, which I have turned to before an A C outing.  Another item of interest:  Rumor has it that Allen and Stephan’s dad (who recently passed away), was Milton Berle's  original straight man.  Not sure if that is “officially” accurate, but the stories are great.
{End note ~  Of course, with the perfect coffee & eggs, perfect toast will round out the perfect breakfast triumvirate.  My fave:  The brick oven bread from Brooklyn @  Drew's Market or a 2nd choice, Calandra's bread (semolina), with a little (real) butter.}
Bread is well deserving of it’s own post at some point… stay tuned!

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