Friday, June 17, 2011

Americone Dream, Food Obsession style

Run... nay, SPRINT to purchase a pint.  Bestest ritual-as-delivery-system:  Wait until chillens and other persons of positive influence are not present.  Remove from freezer.  Microwave 12 seconds, turn, repeat, remove.  Tablespoon and NOT teaspoon.  Retreat to your basement and que up DVR saved " Predators  " or other recent favorite escapism "Good vs E-vile" action-flick.  Consume.
Lil' slice o' Heaven, Food Obsession style.
PS ~ movie trailor not for the faint of heart.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Summer, 2011!!

Friends & Family...  THANK YOU so much for hanging in there, and not ditching your Food Connections connection... It's been too long since I've posted last, and your kindness in staying on-board (even if it was cuz ya forgot ya were connected), is very much appreciated.

In my tiny part of the world, The Spring Lake 5 , marks the OFFICIAL kick-off of summer.  Within a one or two day period, the switch is flipped, and the energy in town turns dramatically upward in happy-summer-vibe.   This past Saturday was the race, and as always, there was a robust post-race party circuit marathon.  I was able to get LOTS of great scoop on some fun/cool/delish places to eat... and I'm dying to share all the great info.  So, please stay tuned... and as I partake, I shall report much inside info, and positive vibage.

Cheers to you guys!!... and thanks again...  here's a post-race Bloody Mary!

(apologies for the poor quality of the photo... I was 2 Bloodies deep when I snapped it!)... Inspired by my great Friend, Annie Mont....  West Coast winery influence:  bacon as garnish + Manasquan influence = 2/3 V8 + 1/3 Clamato.   Soooo delish.  Classic V8 veggie/salty/recuperative goodness,, the ever-so slight saltish, summer-low-tide-briney magic of Clamato,, with a solid hit of thick-cut bacon flavored swirls via the bacon-as-garnish...  Very much a Spring Lake 5 bouy marker, at our house.  Cheers!